Yeah, right. :) Lalala. This day started with a quarrel at home and maybe, ended up with another quarrel in school. WTH? This day really is a disaster. *wallbash* I wish tomorrow would be better than today. Who wants to live through a day full of problems? Nako, ayoko nga. o.o Being sad also means having
Browsed a few pages of Twilight and New Moon again. x| I just feel like I have too. I just skipped the sweet ones 'coz I can't seem to understand them or maybe, my mind can't register them for now. I cried once more. To the part where they broke up. Why was it easy to cry on that small part of the story but in that moment, not even a single tear fell? xc Ang gulo noh? I don't know what's off beam. All I know is that I seemed to be tearless. Okay... It's time to move forward.
I've just fathomed just now; the date today is , a decreasing value, right? And a lot of my plurkbuddies, schoolmates and even people at the house are feeling down. Resemblance? I know you get it. Haha. I don't know if it's true. A friend just told me that this works on her experience. Hmn, maybe we're sharing the same fate with hers today. Kyoot ah, pababa. I thought only dates with same numbers are acknowledged. :))
Oh well, I don't wanna sulk just for that one. We should only believe in God. Yeah, Bro, Ikaw ang star ng pasko. :D So now I'm plugging? lmao. So yeah, I'm doing a lot of schoolworks right now. Who has a pair of ? For sangkayaw po. We just need it. What else? Hmn, I feel like I really need a day of rest. I'm just to dead, I mean tired. I've been restless for days, worrying about few certain things. The play, which is getting closer every stinking day, is the first on the list.
Just listened to Since You've Been Gone - A Day To Remember. =)) It was funny. There was a part where the voice sounded downright scaryy. What I liked the most was the chorus part. It was the cutest of all, for me. Actually, that was from Thalia's playlist. x) She mentioned me so I went there and checked. Million - Oh, sorry. That must be billion. - of welcomes to. Tamabayungnireplayanko? XD Gawd. She mentioned Islas del Poniente too. That was the question asked to me. The idea was on my mind and I wrote it but I ended up scribbling Isla de Poniente. Sooo stupid. *wallbash*
Heard If It Makes You Happy - Sheryl Crow too. Also from Tk. :) Sobra makarecruit ano? Peace. Hehe. It was kyooot. I love the lyrics. Oh, I have heard this long ago. I just don't know the lyrics. I'm gonna use this for tomorrow's post, I guess. Love it! ♥ If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad. Yooow!
Rawr. T. -blank- was mad to us, or maybe to those who she asked to stand up. Strict much? Absolutely. Well, she haven't discussed the topic she asked last so she was humiliated. *evilsmirk* What a sweet revenge. :P Katuwa naman. No more comments about it. Sshhh. ~
Okay, I'm sleepy na. Too early? Who cares? Kidding. Naw, I'm just sooo tired today. Please, lemme rest. Thanks for reading. Good night. Sweet dreams. :-h
Quote For The Day:
I am here, which roughly translated means I'd rather die than stay away from you.
Laugh it off and let it go,
Charm. ~:)