I finished what I could do with plates 4 and 5. I still don't know how to make the isometric ones 'coz we aren't taught about it yet. I don't want to do it because I still don't know how. XD
I read Breaking Dawn's book one today. Again. Hmn... I guess it's my 7th or 6th time to read it. I just can't stop being addicted to Twilight Saga. But still, I want to collect all HP books. I really hope I can afford them all. It's a tie between two series.
I listened to the songs in my PSP. I connected it with our speaker while I made the plates. Well, I enjoyed that part. I was singing while I was doing those things. It's relaxing 'coz I'm the only one at home. I even tried to make some fun of myself while singing. :D Thank goodness you didn't saw that.
I'm currently watching Aliens in the Attic. So, I better get going. Lol. I'm also planning to watch A Time Traveller's Wife. Or maybe I should read the book first? Oh, whatever comes first. But I really prioritize reading Paulo Coelho's The Devil And Miss Prym above anything else. They say it's so beautiful. I really hope I get the chance to read it soon. I'm so excited about it. :]

He's got the looks right? (Carter Jenkins; Tom Pearson in Aliens in the Attic)
--> A braniac who chose to fail his grades just not to become a freak but saves the universe from the invasion of aliens with some help from friends, siblings and even a good alien, Sparks.

Carter Jenkins, Ashley Tisdale, Austin Butler.
--> I really love Nana Pearson's part. (She's the grandmother of Tom) He fights with Ricky, Bethany's (Ashley Tisdale) boyfriend. Watch it so you'll know. :)
Am I really saying a lot? Haha. Sorry for that. Okay, I really need to go now. Thanks for reading again. Bye for now.
I think we're almost legendary,
Charm. c: